Archive for March, 2009

Focusing …

(sort of a mission statement) (Revised on 16 July 2009) This blog has changed as I have changed. Recently I deleted some of the entries and rewrote others. Now I am preparing to resume posting and feel a need for a “mission statement” to focus this thing. In the last few months, I have finally […]

Equipment: SLR Lenses

(about lenses) For underwater, I use a pretty static setup without much variability. To me, the underwater choice is all about the most flexible camera setup; No lens changing happens underwater. But in air, I use a range of gear. My photo opportunities typically range from closeups to people to city scenes to broad landscapes […]

About My Cameras

(about cameras) If I am going to write about photography, I should start with equipment. Every “serious” photography article starts with equipment, right? My main camera is a Nikon D300digital single-lens reflex (DSLR). By now, using Nikon is as much by habit as by choice. I have had a number of Nikon digital and film […]

Starting out … What is this?

I think I’m a photographer. I also love to explore history; to learn about new places and new cultures. For me, all of this goes together. Some people travel and take snapshots of their trip. Other people pick places to go just to take pictures. They see a picture of some place, then want to […]