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The Red Sea, Tiran, Egypt Click here to share this image. Touring Egypt 26: Everybody has seen an anemone. They are in oceans at all latitudes and aquariums everywhere. They are also everywhere in the Red Sea. Often, they are home to anemonefishes (Disney’s “Nemo”). They come in all shapes and colors, and often remind […]

The Red Sea, Tiran, Egypt “Froggy”Click here to share or send a greeting with this image.Touring Egypt 16: “Look for a small white sponge but with eyes, you know?” So said the divemaster from Camel Dive Club and Hotel. We had just had the predive briefing as our boat approached Jackson Reef, a dive site […]
Not from Disney

The Red Sea, Tiran Straits, Egypt Click here to share or send a greeting with this image. Another Sunday concludes, ending another terrific weekend and presenting the specter of another Monday coming too soon. Nancy and I look for distractions from the routine grind, trying to extend the weekend. We watch movies and talk about […]