Out for Dinner

The Red Sea, Sharm el-Sheikh, Egypt Click here to share this image. Touring Egypt 32: One of nature’s most unusual animals looks like a plant. Divers see these all over the world’s oceans, but we usually don’t think too much about it. Our eyes see a crinoid, and we automatically think of it as a […]
Me and My Shadow

The Red Sea, Ras Gazlani, Egypt Click here to share this image.Touring Egypt 20: This is not the fish I sought or the shot I wanted on this day. I spent most of this dive trying to get a shot of the ubiquitous scalefin anthea*, a brightly-colored orange, yellow, pink, and sometimes purple small fish […]
Come to School

The Red Sea, Sharm el-Sheikh, Egypt “The Class”Click here to share or send a greeting with this image.Touring Egypt 18: New divers arriving at Sharm el-Sheikh always have at least one “check-out” dive before joining the longer boat trips to the famous dive sites of the Red Sea. One of the places favored by the […]

The Red Sea, Tiran, Egypt “Froggy”Click here to share or send a greeting with this image.Touring Egypt 16: “Look for a small white sponge but with eyes, you know?” So said the divemaster from Camel Dive Club and Hotel. We had just had the predive briefing as our boat approached Jackson Reef, a dive site […]
Cleaning day

The Red Sea, Ras Muhammad, Egypt “Cleaning Day“Click here to share or send a greeting with this image. Touring Egypt 12: Would you believe, it must have been Saturday night? Or something about “once a week, whether you need it or not?” OK, that was a couple of throw-away jokes for Americans there … sorry, […]