Favorite Fish

The Red Sea, near Sharm el-Sheikh, Egypt “Look at Me!”Click here to share this image.Touring Egypt 22: The scalefin anthea. I finally managed a shot of one of these little beauties. Finally! I had been trying for days and through many, many attempts — most leading to bad photos or serendipitous shots of other species […]
Me and My Shadow

The Red Sea, Ras Gazlani, Egypt Click here to share this image.Touring Egypt 20: This is not the fish I sought or the shot I wanted on this day. I spent most of this dive trying to get a shot of the ubiquitous scalefin anthea*, a brightly-colored orange, yellow, pink, and sometimes purple small fish […]

The Red Sea, Ras Muhammed, Egypt Click here to share or send a greeting with this image. Touring Egypt 10: As I am sure your finely tuned senses have detected (being, as you are, the ever-observant, engaged reader), tonight’s post is underwater. Yesterday was on land, so today must be underwater. Hello: pattern! Here is […]