Piazza della Rotonda, Rome, Italy “Night at the Piazza della Rotonda“ Two weeks ago, Nancy and I were lucky enough to find ourselves in one of the world’s most romantic cities — Rome, Italy — for Valentine’s Day. We found ourselves at sunset relaxing with a drink in one of the neat little cafes around […]
Mar 12, 2012 | Categories: Land & Air, thePhotoTourist | Tags: cathedral, Catholic, church, dark, Egyptian, Fontana, fontana del pantheon, fountain, HDR, high dynamic range, Italy, lights, night, obelisk, Pantheon, Piazza, Piazza della Rotonda, plaza, pope, Roma, Roman, Rome, street lights, the Pantheon, the patheon, tourist, tourists | Leave A Comment »

HDR image of the beach at Siladen Island, Indonesia, with a lounging platform, hammock, and clear view of the open sea beyond.
Feb 07, 2011 | Categories: Land & Air, thePhotoTourist | Tags: beach, Bunaken, Bunaken National Park, chaise, clear, hammock, HDR, high dynamic range, Indonesia, lounge, net, North Sulawesi, ocean, platform, reef, relax, relaxing, sand, sea, shade, Siladen, Siladen Island, Siladen Resort and Spa, Sulawesi, sunny, tent, tree, trees, view | 1 Comment »

I found this barn quirky and full of character. Not having grown up in the country, I have no idea what might have been the purpose of this unusual structure. Standing there in that field, I was struck by the way the builders arranged the building with a pass-through and on the level, even though the place where they put it clearly is not level. I wondered about that old building’s many stories as that day’s bright sunlight illuminated the grass and trees around and brought out the textures and colors of the old wood in the open passage, doors, and walls.
Sep 21, 2010 | Categories: Land & Air, thePhotoTourist, Virginia Wine In My Pocket | Tags: barn, decay, field, HDR, high dynamic range, hill, Hume, Hume Vineyards, Hume Winery, In My Pocket, muliple exposure, old, old barn, scene, slope, tasting room, thePhotoTourist, tree, VAWineInMyPocket, Virginia Wine, wood | 3 Comments »

(HDR image of ripening grapes on the vine) We visited Pollak Vineyards on a bright, sunny day in late July. The grapes on the vines had just turned purple. In the bright sun I had a challenge to capture the light on the grapes and bringing out their color while managing the dark shadows and very bright highs of the sunlit vines. The HDR shot turned out best, giving truly the sense of how bright and vibrant those wine grapes were.
Sep 17, 2010 | Categories: Land & Air, thePhotoTourist, Virginia Wine In My Pocket | Tags: bunch, bunch of grapes, grape bunches, grape vine, grape vines, grapes, HDR, high dynamic range, IMP, Pollak, Pollak Vineyards, purple, ripe, ripening, VA, VA Wine, VA Wine IMP, VA Wine In My Pocket, VAWineInMyPocket.com, veraison, vine, vines, vineyard, Virginia, Virginia Wine, Virginia Wine In My Pocket, wine, winery | Leave A Comment »

Photo taken on the back porch outside the second-floor tasting room at Sharp Rock Vineyards on a very hot and bright day in July. I loved the wood tones inside the porch. The empty old porch was to my eye beautiful and contrasty as it as lit by the sunlight washing in through the open side that overlooked vineyards, but the bright sunlight glare from outside made getting the right exposure a challenge.
Sep 11, 2010 | Categories: Land & Air, thePhotoTourist, Virginia Wine In My Pocket | Tags: 150 wineries in 150 days, 150 wineries tour, antique, bright, deck, furniture, HDR, high dynamic range, IMP, In My Pocket, Nikon, Photomatix, PhotoMatix Pro, Photoshop, porch, Ratcliff, shade, Sharp Rock, Sharp Rock Vineyards, Sharp Rock Winery, Sharp Rock Winery and Vineyard, Stuckincustoms, sunny, tour, Trey Ratcliff, tutorial, VA, VA Wine, VAWineInMyPocket, VAWineInMyPocket.com, view, vineyard, Virginia, Virginia Wine, Virginia Wine In My Pocket, wineries, winery, wood | Leave A Comment »