
The Lembeh Strait, North Sulawesi, Indonesia (also, St. Elsewhere, in the Caribbean) “Reef Squid“ Squid are ubiquitous in every ocean. On the reef, they are seldom seen alone. Usually, divers and snorkelers will notice a line stretching down the reef — squid all arranged facing the same direction, moving easily along the contour of the […]
‘Death Mask’

(Three underwater photos of the stargazer, an ambush predator fish that buries itself in the sand at night, waiting to ambush small fish swimming past.) The story of finding and feeding a stargazer on a night dive.
Bed Time

The Red Sea, Sharm el-Sheikh, Egypt Click here to share this image. Touring Egypt 30: By the time Thursday evening rolls around each week, I am usually feeling pretty tired. I look forward to bed time. Tonight, this image just feels right. Parrotfish sleep at night. Swimmers, snorkelers, and divers are familiar with the familiar […]
What You Lookin’ At?

Red Sea, Sharm el-Sheikh, Egypt Click here to share or send a greeting with this image. “Touring Egypt” series, number 2: The “Paradise” dive site is a favorite for night dives in Sharm el-Sheikh. The site is very compact and offers a rich abundance of life, ranging from spanish dancers to sleeping parrotfish and groupers, […]