
Photo of a pile of hot peppers, on sale in the Aertembaga market in Bitung city, North Sulawesi, Indonesia. Account of a visit to the market.
Golden Sunset

Amman, Jordan Click here to share this image. The sun was setting at the end of a long, hot day and I found myself at the Citadel, atop a one of the seven hills at the historic center of Amman, Jordan. The view at this high point was astounding. The Citadel has structures and ruins […]
Equipment: SLR Lenses

(about lenses) For underwater, I use a pretty static setup without much variability. To me, the underwater choice is all about the most flexible camera setup; No lens changing happens underwater. But in air, I use a range of gear. My photo opportunities typically range from closeups to people to city scenes to broad landscapes […]