(Photos from the fish market at Bitung.) The fish market in Bitung (on the Lembeh Strait, North Sulawesi, Indonesia) comes to life just after dawn. Fishermen, cooks, staff from local hotels and resorts along the Lembeh Strait, and ordinary husbands and housewives come together in a boisterous throng in the large open-air market facility next to the waters of the Lembeh Strait.
Feb 09, 2011 | Categories: Land & Air, thePhotoTourist | Tags: Bitung, buckets, building, crowd, fish, fish market, fishermen, food, fresh, fresh fish, Indonesia, Lembeh, Lembeh Strait, market, North Sulawesi, People, shop, shopping, Sulawesi, tile, vendor | Leave A Comment »

Photo of a pile of hot peppers, on sale in the Aertembaga market in Bitung city, North Sulawesi, Indonesia. Account of a visit to the market.
Feb 03, 2011 | Categories: Land & Air, thePhotoTourist | Tags: Aertembaga, Aertembaga market, Bitung, city, cup, food, hot pepper, hot peppers, Indonesia, market, measure, measuring cup, mound, North Sulawesi, pepper, peppers, pile, port, stand, Sulawesi, sun | Leave A Comment »

(HDR image of fence and fields at sunset, in Fincastle VA.) Yesterday evening we found ourselves in Fincastle, Virginia, rolling up near closing time at Fincastle Vineyards and Winery (also a B&B). Nancy hurried into the tasting room, hoping we weren’t too late. I had to pause. The long rays of the sunset light brought extra warmth and glow to the early fall scene, turning the white picket fence a little yellow and emphasizing the occasional fall yellow or maroon reds (not yet at full glory, but just a little more dramatic for their sudden appearance in a landscape that is still mostly green).
Oct 13, 2010 | Categories: Land & Air, thePhotoTourist, Virginia Wine In My Pocket | Tags: 2010, autumn, B&B, barn, bed and breakfast, bright, bright & sunny, countryside, daylight, evening, fall, fence, Fences, field, fields, Fincastle, Fincastle B&B, Fincastle Bed and Breakfast, Fincastle Vineyard, Fincastle Vineyard and Winery, Fincastle Vineyards, Fincastle Winery, food, forest, forested, geotagged, grape vines, grapes, guide, HDR, IMP, In My Pocket, In My Pocket Guide, landscape, pasture, shed, sun, sunny, sunshine, trees, United States, US, USA, VA, VA Wine, VA Wine In My Pocket, valley, VAWineInMyPocket, VAWineInMyPocket2010, view, views, vineyard, Virginia, Virginia Wine, Virginia Wine In My Pocket, wine, winery, wooded, Woods | 3 Comments »

Cairo, Egypt “Snacks and Condiments”Click here to share or send a greeting with this image.Touring Egypt 19: Supermarkets have become ubiquitous worldwide, but sometimes those of us who live in western cities (especially America) forget that most of the world does not actually shop at a supermarket. While in Cairo, my party went several times […]
Sep 17, 2009 | Categories: Land & Air, thePhotoTourist | Tags: bazaar, Cairo, cart, destination, drink, Egypt, food, fruit, market, not_uw, nuts, produce, stall, stand, street, tea, umbrella, vegetables, vendor | 2 Comments »